Úvodná stránka / 2016 / In-Memory-of-Chris-Elliott 9

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Network Engineer, Trainer, Colleague and Friend Chris Elliott joined the NSRC in 2014. He was a generous mentor and had a great depth of technical knowledge from his many years building Internet infrastructure. His imagination was captured as much by TCP/IP, SNMP, and 802.1x as it was by photography, exotic cats, hi-fi audio and espresso machines. Like many engineers, Chris was always first in line to test a new gadget. While working with NSRC, Chris travelled to Thailand to assist the Asia Institute of Technology (AIT) with their campus wireless network as well as teaching a network monitoring and management workshop in Armenia. Chris passed away in early March of 2016, leaving behind his wife and two adult children. We miss him very much. These are a few photos taken of Chris while working with us at the Asian Institute of Technology in Bangkok, Thailand and in Yerevan, Armenia.